Sunshine Fever

In the ungodly hours of Moonlight,

She slipped past the orderly insanity.

To lucidly slip into the Promethean journey of sanity,

and transcend with the astronauts,

Her ghosts finally ashore as the night changes

The descend into the badlands.

Beyond the wasteland,

laid her fornicating hell hound.

The madness concluded,

at the stroke of daybreak

for her to shed her skin.

Bleeding Shaman

Why have you forsaken me now
Oh, why have you forsaken me,
We were, for all predicament riding the behemoth
Caressing Apollyon and gazing at Lucy’s apples from the very start.
The sunshine and lights didn’t move me close to Lucy’s forest,
Your celibate puppet factory and gardens did.!
 The stones of Moses pushed me off the web, not Levithan’s glory
I had to cut them stones loose to walk naked into Eden.

Oh, Hiroshima! Settle Down.

One day you will look back at this moment aching to come back. Every single breath will transport you through an entangled synchronicity of this very second. Your adulting has pushed you so far from every authentic living being and living experience. The pain of what could have been or what would have been will bedevil you till you fall into the nodding oblivious resignation of the grim reaper.
Your pristinely found washed out soul now arts in hell and has forgotten the blissful picturesque of the predicament. Yet another bondsman of contemporary societal morality. The yearning of your soul to return to the ghosts of chaos whom you whirled with, keeps getting tumultuous. Your screams of incarceration go unheard in this orderly insanity. You’re torn apart between the seduction of order and the insanity of truth. The return to the badlands from this shielded garden seems implausible with these loving dead stars in rows, The death of the Bohemian mystic to fall in line with the dead stars without gills.

Ideology Kills

The Journey of Life is not a living walking lucid dream. It is impregnated with uncertainties. So are the authentic human experiences. They cannot be enclosed by a definitive system. The moment you start enclosing and categorizing human feelings and emotions into different genres of ideologies and algorithms, you push the future of the society into predictable rationality and eventually oblivion.
An empowerment of any ideological definition (secular or religious) of human behavior has the potential to sweep the globe and in turn hinder the possibility of alternative human experiences and emotions by defining it with a certain ideology. The ideological definition can sometimes limit the human emotions to a definite realm. Human experience, by some definitions, can even be defined as an alteration of the mind. This is scary. This can be an amputation of the potential of the evolutionary human craving.
These emotions and experiences are beyond practicality and therefore cannot be and should not be enclosed by rationality or definition. This encapsulation slowly murders subjectivity and pushes the mass into a system controlled heaven, for now, human emotions are nothing more than algorithms.
The authentic human experience is in madness and chaos. Madmen are always outside the manufactured border of the engineers of the system. In fact, madness is an opportunity to fall out of the system. This phenomenon of falling out of the system has the potential to provide authentic human experiences and in turn, lead to a functional catharsis.
Imagine the human emotions and thereby the future defined by Aristotelian-ism and theologies where atrocities are nothing more than god’s mystical nature. It’s a dystopia for anyone with an alternative ideology. This is why no certain ideology should be allowed to define the culture/society
The dystopian unnatural system defined, definitive future is orderly insanity.
The future is then defined by the algorithms of the system as a heavenly manifestation of order, safety, and homogeneity.


Society is a dynamic institution. It enforces monotony in our lives using the fear of oblivion and failure. Initially it was enforced through swords and institutions based on hierarchy. Now that further evolution is occurring the physical hierarchies are falling apart. Here’s where we can see the dynamic nature of the so called society as this manipulation is now incorporated intellectually. With human evolution the institutions has now become more complex. The complexity is so much that the delusion of the world turning into a liberal paradise is propagated through State controlled information outlets. The fact that change is inevitable and what is happening to the society is nothing close to radical is nowhere in any information sources.It’s just a recovery from the reign of Abrahamic cultures. The thin grey between reality and delusion has almost turned invisible. It’s much harder to fight the system now as we might be fighting the pawns who are so unaware of this. It’s easy to fight an enemy with a face. The unquenched outrage dominates world as the pretty chaos of the world is been crippled and manipulated by princely aristocratic uptight brooks. The sense of outrage of the stateless are usually portrayed vivid, often too vivid that we now resemble fucking savages who deserve authoritarian governance and societal morals. The mass manipulation of state has always been keen on enforcing an Abrahamic American dream. There was a million years of evolutionary spiritual growth with the nature and then religion happened. The perfect idea of a family,individual,society,sovereignty,nation and equality are all borrowed from archaic Dharmic and Abrahamic cultures and religions. If it wasn’t for their dominance over our ancient way of living we never would have had to deal with racism, misogyny or homophobia. Now that the Grey is vanishing, conventional ideologies and philosophies are now expected to choose a side. The definition of ‘dark’ was infiltrated and manipulated by the authority and the clergy to oppress and label anyone who question the state enforced way of living. The fear campaign against anarchy,  spirituality and other state independent or self-enlightening activities and ideologies is just so that it leads to a liberation and a release of one’s way of living to chaos from an artificial enforced order.

Get Lost

Who are technologists? The ones pushing us into a final confrontation with the unimaginable or the ones pushing us away from an archaic revival. Technology narrows the space between reality and the unimaginable. Technology combined with a psychedelic confrontation may finally help us find ourselves. But this risks completion and that takes away the joy of the wandering and seeking. The truth is that we’re all wander junkies and are addicted to the ultimate truth. There is no way back to an archaic revival. The technological psychedelic confrontation with the unimaginable is getting harder as the institutional hierarchy is getting more complex. Border dissolution is getting harder as the dominance of language is increasing.